No Disaster Near Your Dwelling

Wildfire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood, epidemic—yet there are few houses and families left unscathed here and there. And people say, “Isn’t that odd! Look at those houses unaffected amidst this sea of devastation.” Others say, they are strangely lucky! Lucky? I can assure you, if you research the history of these homes and families, you will find that in most cases, their survival has to do with much more than luck or chance. I will not go as far as to say, you can disaster-proof a community with all its homes and families, but you can come mighty close. There is a level of safety most people do not know about and few consider, but half-heartedly. Walk with me as we explore this unconventional level of home and family safety.

Is Home and Family Safety Always Conventional?
The short answer is, no. When a house is built according to the legal building codes of a township: location, quality materials, and other regulations have to be adhered to for safety. These are conventional safety steps that every builder is expected to follow. It is the law!

After the house is built, there are other conventional safety precautions to put in place to ensure safety: fire-alarm, smoke and carbon dioxide detectors, home-security system, home-owner’s insurance, fire extinguishers, and so on. Not having these is risky and even negligent. But in spite of having them, disasters can still destroy both home and family. This is the gap that I seek to cover here and refer to as unconventional security. This area of security takes us, to some extent, outside of the purview science into the domain where spiritual warfare is waged. Bear in mind that Satan is called, that god of this world. He controls and influences territories and people.

The book, Dwelling Place Spiritual Cleansing states that the land that a house was built on may be desecrated, and the house itself most often became desecrated after it was built. This desecration is caused by the dwellers that occupied the house or apartment before you moved into it. Living with former dwellers’ desecration is like living on a toxic chemical dump, now an inviting lawn. The place looks innocent but it is slowly killing you and your family. This unseen evil can come at you and your family from various directions, and you can only fight it successfully if you are a person of faith. This is why the steps to combat evil are most often unconventional. Evil has no ontological being of its own to fight, but it can be successfully fought with spiritual warfare weapons (Eph.6:10-18).

Safety of Home and Family Guaranteed
The person of faith is guaranteed divine protection, but it does not mean that your faith will not be tested at times. This truth is self-evident in the book of Job. God temporarily suspend the hedge of protection for Job to be tested. The testing of your faith is soul-making, character building. But who is that person of faith? Here I can only speak with authority for the Christian faith, and within that context, I can only speak for those that are truly “born again” (John 3:1-8). The person who is not born again does not have the spiritual firepower to wage successful spiritual warfare against the powers of evil. But even so, little faith can enjoy a measure of protection and safety as opposed to no faith at all.

From ancient times, the God of the Bible invested himself in the protection of his people. This is beautiful captured in Psalm 91. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress, in whom I trust. Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence” (verses 1-3). The psalmist goes on to say, “If you make the Most High your dwelling…no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your dwelling. For he will command his angels to guard you in all your ways…” (verses 9-11). In this psalm and through the scriptures, the people of God is guaranteed divine protection because of their active faith in the Almighty and his faithfulness to his people.

You may further observe that Psalm 91 is reminiscent of the night the ancient Israelites were emancipated from the tyranny of Egyptian servitude and their subsequent wilderness journey. That night of their deliverance as they ate the Passover meal, the blood of slain lamb was applied to the door-frame of each dwelling of the Israelites for their protection and safety. At the same time the angel of death was striking down the first-born in every Egyptian’s dwelling (Exod.12: 1-12,29-30). No judgment came to the dwelling places of the Israelites because a certain ritual was performed to keep them safe. The God of the Bible is unchanging and continues to provide dwelling place protection to people faith today.

Dwelling Place Disaster-Proofing
Again, there are certain conventional things named in paragraph three that God will not do for you or me; that is our responsibility. The unconventional things to do for your dwelling place and family safety are set forth in the book, Dwelling Place Spiritual Cleansing. The land that your house or the dwelling you live in sits on, is a living thing. It has its own personality and history. If that piece of land is desecrated, it should be spiritually cleansed with the dwelling. Dwellings become desecrated after they are built; they are desecrated by the people who live in them. The shedding of innocent blood, among other things, desecrated both the dwelling and land it sits on. That blood continues to cry out until justice is rendered. This is one compelling reasons, among many others, why dwelling place spiritual cleansing is necessary.

Finally, the spiritual cleansing of your house, apartment, coop, or condo is an annual spiritual exercise. Like a wedding or birthday anniversary, celebrate it each year. It is time to get your dwelling spiritual cleansed, begin with reading the book and follow the instruction.
Author: Michael W. Dewar


Published by The Dwelling Place

I am, Michael Dewar, author and director of Dwelling Place and the chief writer. Professionally, I am pastor, Bible teacher, mentor in the spiritual life, a specialist and consultant in church and family conflicts. I also have a background in Social Work (LMSW) and mental healtn.

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